1. General

1.1. Before accessing the “Nura Mongolia” Platform, the customer must thoroughly review the Terms of Service, accept and confirm the Terms of Service, and the right to receive services will be opened.

1.2. These Terms of Service are an agreement between the Customer and Tavan Bogd Nura LLC to regulate the relationship related to the use of the Nura Mongolia Platform for receiving health care services.

1.3. In this Agreement, the terms shall be understood as follows. It includes:

  • “Nura Mongolia Platform” refers to the website www.nura.mn, which is protected by the intellectual property of “Tavan Bogd Nura” LLC.
  • “Customer” means 18-year-old citizens registered on the Nura Mongolia Platform, “Tavan Bogd Nura” LLC, the official owner of Nura Mongolia Platform.
  • “Services” means the following services provided by Nura Mongolia Platform:
  • Search – a service to search for information (healthcare organizations, doctors, etc.) on the Nura Mongolia Platform according to your needs.
  • Book an appointment.
  • To purchase a early health care test package,
  • Maintain and manage your health history.

1.4. To obtain the Service, the Customer may access the www.nura.mn website and agree to the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy.

1.5. “Tavan Bogd Nura” LLC has the right to partially change or cancel the Terms of Service within the legal framework, and will notify the Customer of these changes at any time via the registered email address. By continuing to use the Nura Mongolia Platform, the Customer will be deemed to have accepted the changes to the Terms of Service.

  1. Registration

2.1. The customer voluntarily creates an account on the Nura Mongolia Platform with his/her surname, first name, last name, phone number and email address.

2.2. If a customer who needs a legal guardians/caregiver register a new account, they will create their own account through their legal guardian/caregiver , and the legal guardian/caregiver can receive services by registering.

2.3. The customer is responsible for entering personal and health information accurately and correctly. Customer must update it regularly in case of changes, and is responsible for the information he/she has entered.

2.4. “Tavan Bogd Nura” LLC has the right to cancel the service in case of negative consequences related to the customer’s intentional or accidental input of wrong information.

2.5. “Tavan Bogd Nura” LLC is not responsible for the accuracy of any content or information provided by the customer.

2.6. The Customer shall protect his/her login password, and responsible to undertake not inform to others.

2.7. Customer should not choose login password with a number that contains personal information such as date of birth, phone number, etc.

2.8. Note that under no circumstances will Tavan Bogd Nura LLC contact the customer to ask for a password. If your registration information (mobile phone, e-mail address, residential address) changes, contact at 75887588 to update your information.

In this case, “Tavan Bogd Nura” LLC will not be responsible for any loss occurs/damages.

  1. Appointment

3.1. The customer can order package of test appointment through Nura Mongolia Platform.

3.2. Customer will be able to create an appointment after completing user registration and verifying it with mobile number.

3.3. When the customer pays 100 percent of the payment when ordering a package test, the appointment for the package test at Nura Mongolia Center will be guaranteed.

3.4. Cancellation is only possible if you notify the sales staff 48 hours in advance.  Rescheduling or appointment modification must be communicated 24 hours in advance.

3.5. Please note that late arrival, i.e. 8 minutes past the appointment, could cause delay in seeing the GP (General Physician).  You may still enter the health examination procedure but a separate appointment with the GP will need to be made at the next available date.

3.6. Please note that cancellation or modification of appointment, except from that of the specified period stated under 3.4, will cause penalty fee of 5% from the paid amount.

  1. Principles of Package test /GP/

4.1. Nura Mongolia Center will offer male and female package tests and medical consultation to its customers.

4.2. Male package test will have 30 parameters and female package test will have 32 parameters and will last 120 minutes regardless of the package difference.

4.3. When the customer arrives for a package test, he/she must come 15 minutes before the scheduled time and read the terms of service and confirm with his/her signature.

4.4. Before undergoing a package test, the customer should read the following provisions and seek advice from the doctor and medical specialists of Nura Mongolia Center:

  • Visual impairment
  • Hearing problems
  • Musculoskeletal problems
  • Mental illness
  • Cardiovascular surgery or operations /if stents or pacemakers were installed/
  • If have cancer, are post-surgery, or are undergoing chemotherapy
  • Blood diseases
  • If undergoing dialysis treatment /Renal replacement therapy/
  • Before the computed tomography/CT/ examination -the customer is:
  • Pregnant
  • if a pacemaker is implanted
  • Before the Dexa Osteoporosis and Densitometry Test -the customer is:
  • pregnant
  • If the digestive system has undergone a contrast test to clarify the diagnosis
  • Before the mammography test -the customer is:
  • pregnant,
  • implanted pacemaker
  • breastfeeding
  • undergone breast augmentation surgery
  • If VP shunt is done
  • Cervical endoscopy:
  • Menstruation
  • active inflammatory heredity of the cervix.
  • If the customer has a fever of 38 or higher, we recommend rescheduling the test.

4.5. The following examination rooms shall be used for the package test.

  • Clothes changing room
  • Restroom
  • Body measurement and specimen collection room
  • ECG room
  • Ophthalmoscope room
  • Audiometric test room
  • Digital breast x-ray room /female package/
  • Endoscopy room /female package/
  • DEXA – X-ray machine room
  • Computed tomography room
  • Doctor’s office to present the conclusion

4.6. The GP doctor will only provide preventive advice and will not recommend treatment or medication, and will not provide emergency care, actual examination, etc.

4.7. Nura Mongolia Center shall not be held responsible if the customer’s condition worsens or life-threatening conditions arise due to the customer’s careless actions, failure to clarify the diagnosis according to the doctor’s advice and instructions, or to go to the next-level health care facility.

4.8. Nura Mongolia Center does not provide emergency services. If you are a Customer in need of emergency medical assistance, please contact the National Ambulance Service/103/ and the local emergency services in accordance.

4.9. The Doctor is fully responsible for the accuracy and quality of the Doctor’s consultation notes.

4.10. During consultation with the doctor, the customer is prohibited from asking personal questions and advice that are not related to the disease, treatment, or medication information

4.11. It is prohibited to take any photos or videos during the consultation with the doctor.

4.12. It is prohibited for the customer to ask or persuade the consulting doctor to prescribe medication or treatment.

4.13. The customer should not use inappropriate words or expressions during the Doctor’s consultation. In case of a complaint from the doctor about any abuse or violence from the customer, the head of the department has the right to refuse to provide the service. Nura Mongolia Platform has full right not to accept if the customer who has committed this action sends a package refund request.

  1. Provide a rating for the service

5.1. The Customer who received the service has the right to rate and comment on the doctor who provided the service.

5.2. When entering comments and ratings related to the doctor, the Customer’s name will appear on the doctor’s information, and the Customer is fully responsible for the information entered on the Nura Mongolia Platform.

5.3. When entering comments, the customer is responsible for not (a)violating intellectual property or privacy rights, (b)violating the norms prescribed by law, and (c)using vulgar language.

5.4. Nura Mongolia is not responsible for any comments or reviews posted by the customer.

  1. Responsibilities relating to information posted on the platform

6.1. The customer is prohibited from publishing, attaching or transferring the following information.

  • Information from other customers.
  • Illegal information that harasses, defames, defames, invades privacy, hates, discriminates, promotes or encourages money laundering or obscenity.
  • Harmful information to minors.
  • Infringement of patents, trademarks, copyrights or other proprietary rights.
  • Violation of any laws and regulations applicable in Mongolia.
  • Impersonation or deception.
  • Contains viruses, code, files and programs capable of destroying or disrupting the operation of computers or software.

6.2. Customers are also prohibited from:

  • Compromise or attempt to compromise the integrity or security of information
  • Intentional submission of incomplete or false information
  • Connecting with other customers when they are not wanted
  • Attempt to decode or decode any part of the Platform
  • Copying and distributing information prepared by the Nura Mongolia Center
  • Compilation of corporate information, using it for wrong purposes, making accusations, and linking to images
  • Threats to software rights management and security

6.3.  You have the right to delete the above-mentioned information after receiving and confirming it. Also, the Court has the right to keep the information as physical evidence until it is transferred to the supervisory authority.

6.4 Nura Mongolia Center is not responsible for any damages or viruses that may attack the equipment through the access rights of the Customer when the customer uses or views the web page, or downloads any material, data, text, images, video content, or audio content from the web page.

6.5 Nura Mongolia Center has the right to delete the registration and immediately terminate the platform usage of the customer who violates the relevant laws and regulations and this agreement.

6.6 Our organization is not responsible for any violation of intellectual property rights.


7.1 Any relationship between the customer and the Nura Mongolia Center shall be governed by the applicable laws, rules and regulations of Mongolia.

  1. OTHER

8.1 In order to improve its products and services, the organization will conduct customer satisfaction surveys, health surveillance surveys, and customer satisfaction and service surveys in order to deliver health-related advertisements to the target group.

8.2. While visiting the Nura Mongolia Center, the customer is prohibited from disclosing informations related to the level of confidentiality of the organization obtained information that affects business operations, and may leave an unfavorable impression on other customers through social networks.

8.3. The customer has the right to express complaints and new ideas about the Platform, and if there are any questions related to the contract and services, the customer can contact us via www.nura.mn or by phone at 75887588.

8.4. We may contact you by phone, email, text or other communication services for the following purposes:

  • Receive feedback regarding package tests and services;
  • Resolve any complaints, information or questions submitted to the doctor;
  • In order to improve the functionality of the platform.